Sunday, 31 May 2009
Dave Stokes Sketchbook
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Plot Hook - The Druid's Altar
For gaming purposes this could be the site of an ancient treasure; A portal to another realm; or the entrance to an underground dungeon complex.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Bilious Green - Half Orc Fighter
One of my favorite D&D characters was a huge Half-Orc called Bilious Green. I definitely played Bill for laughs and as such he has become a 'Legend' often talked about when we reminisce about old games. Bill was thick as two short planks, acted first and never thought later, and generally caused a lot of chaos wherever he went. He was a great character for shaking up an encounter, mainly because he wasn't a conversationalist. Unfortunately this talent was not always appreciated by his compatriots (or the GM). I also liked this character because I got to paint this great model.
One of my favorite moments was when Bill tried to open a magically trapped door using a tree trunk as a battering ram. The rest of the group had spent half an hour trying to figure out the clues to what turned out to be a simple trapped lock. Bill was bored, and that was never a good thing. So while the other adventurers puzzled over the letters inscribed on the door (each of which was trapped with a Lightening Spell) Bill went off to find a suitable "lock picking tool". He returned a few minutes later carrying a tree trunk under his arm and then, ignoring the panicked pleas of his companions, charged at the door hitting dozens of the trapped letters simultaneously. He woke up ten minutes and thirty feet later, still smoking but alive. Ah yes, fun times!
Bill was last seen leaping through a magical portal yelling "YeHaa!" at the top of his voice.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Roman Dice
Dice were invented independently all over the world and often to different designs. In ancient times the result of a roll of a dice was not considered to be luck. Rather the outcome was believed to be controlled by the gods. The Roman goddess, Fortuna (daughter of Zeus and Lady Luck herself) was believed to determine the outcome of a throw. Dice were even used as a way of choosing rulers, predicting the future and settling disputes.
Roman literature often describes dice games and gambling as an immoral act. However judging from the number of dice found in archaeological digs this didn't discourage the Romans from keeping and presumably using dice. The Romans even had their own d20. Such examples sell for hundreds (even thousands) of dollars and are much sought after by collectors.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Secret Squirrel
Maybe this could form the basis of a Cthulhu/Sylvania crossover game? Sanity loss assured.
I'll post again later but right now I think I need to lay down in a darkened room... or drink lots of black coffee, I'm not sure which.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Pirates of the Cursed Seas
Being a typical wargamer I instantly threw out the scenario presented in the rules and devised a 'hunt and destroy' game for myself and my daughter to play out. The game uses a points system for ships & crew so it was easy to build two balanced forces to oppose each other. I took the larger Pirate ship the Prussian Crown which was being hunted by two smaller vessels the HMS Pride and the La Mezquita.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Wargames Illustrated 260
This issue also came accompanied by a sprue of two Perry Miniatures plastic Napoleonic Riflemen. I saw the Perry plastics for the first time at Salute and I was very impressed so giving away two with the Magazine is a great advert for Perry Miniatures and a big incentive to by the magazine. I hope the new owners continue this trend because its a great way to try out new ranges before investing in a particular manufacturers miniatures.
One more thing I must mention - at the risk of sounding like an advert for WI - is the price. At £4.00 GBP ($8.00 USD) this is one of the cheaper wargaming magazines on the shelves (certainly out of the four I buy regularly). I for one am looking forward to reading this issue cover to cover.
D&D Campaign Setting - The Isles of Ethos
"Know this and understand seeker of knowledge, for I was there at the end. Beneath the blue waves of the sea lays the once beautiful continent of Ethos. This land that I loved stretched for thousands of miles from snow covered mountains to the glittering coast. Ancient and wild, it was inhabited by Dwarves, Elves and Men who each thought to tame the great garden of the gods and bring it under their dominion. From their struggles came forth the great alliance and the forging of the Empire. With peace secured their civilisation stretched forth its influence and spanned the wild lands with roads and cities. No greater society has ever existed and it reigned for a thousand years in peace and prosperity. But from such great heights do the mighty fall.
The ageing and weak Emperor was ever more unable to govern the arrogance of my sect, the Mages. Eventually such arrogance would wash away our ancient civilisation… but we were blind to our fate. We stood on the shoulders of giants, revelled in our mastery of magic and created the Shadow Orbs. We ignored those that warned that such power was for the gods alone and we laughed at their fear. But while we turned our art to ever greater feats of magic we blinded ourselves to the peril we had created. For it was the shadow orbs and their barely contained power that brought about the cataclysm that would sink our civilisation into barbarism.
Cities of unparalleled splendour were overwhelmed by the oceans and the greatest civilisation to grace the face of Euda was erased from existence. Now all that remains are the Islands of Ethos…The tears of the gods. I weep with them to know that I and my fellow mages were responsible for the Drowning. But we can no longer afford the luxury of self pity. All evidence of our complicity in the Cataclysm must be erased. If the children of Ethos, the survivors of the cataclysm, were ever to understand our guilt….”
For those that survived what became known as "The Drowning" yet more horrors awaited them. Starvation and disease killed many in the coming year and for a time the people reverted to a more primitive, baser instinct. But amongst the survivors were many skilled humans, dwarves and elves and they brought with them their knowledge that had taken Euda’s children millennium to master. Civilisation began to take hold again and within the first fifty years the first towns took shape. But the people of Ethos had taken a grievous blow and it would be nearly 500 years before they once again achieved much of what they had before the cataclysm.
Half a millennia has now passed since the Cataclysm. Society is at last regaining the ground it lost and trade is flourishing. The Magic users however have recovered more slowly. Many perished in the last days of Ethos and of those that survived were viewed with deep suspicion. Many believed the Magi were responsible for the cataclysm without every realising how close they were to the truth. Dislodged from their pre-eminence in society and looked down upon with suspicion, magic has been on the decline in the intervening five centuries. Civilisation has recovered largely without the aid of magic and the Magi have become increasingly insular and withdrawn. Immediately after the cataclysm the Magi went to great effort to cover up their culpability in the Drowning but as the generations have passed fewer and fewer magi know the full scale of the truth. Recently news has spread that a group of adventurers, exploring an island to the north, discovered a ruined Tower of Magic. The tower was clearly pre-cataclysm and the adventurers found many wondrous and terrible things. Chief amongst these was a Shadow Orb. The orb was recovered as were a number of ancient spell books and the diary of the Towers last custodian. The diary revealed the full guilt of the magi and unlocked five centuries of prejudice and mistrust. Violence flared and several magic users and their apprentices were killed. Violence has spread among the Isles of Ethos along with an idea, that of Manifest Destiny. Magic is a clear abomination that brought Euda to the brink of annihilation. The gods willed it so when they clensed the world in flood, and it is the Manifest Destiny of the peoples of Euda to shun magic in favour of faith and devotion.
Exciting and terrifying times lay ahead not just for the Magi but for all the peoples of the Isles. Political and social changes stride onward at an ever greater pace. In recent years the old enemy, the Sethaki Dark Elves, have reappeared to harass outlying islands and raid for slaves. Feudal wars flair up with increasing regularity in the province of Westamar, threatening to spill into the prosperous Hublands. Ancient evils stir in the forests of the Eastland’s and the jungles of Elvenholm. The Orcs, a nomadic race, persecuted and widely thought exterminated, have once again spread into human lands with bloody consequences. But through all this opportunities abound for the brave and the daring. Some will die dark and horrible deaths. But for the lucky, great riches and power will be heaped upon their shoulders as they shape the future of the Isles and all who live within them.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Welcome to the Raiding Party
Thanks again for considering this Blog worth following and lets hope I can continue to come up with content worth reading!
Happy Gaming
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Brushes
Series 7 brushes are manufactured using the winter tail hair of the Kolinsky Sable. This hair has excellent 'carrying' capacity due to the minute scales that cover the hairs. This means that you don't have to keep reloading your brush when working on small or intricate details. The hair also has exceptional spring and retains its shape even after long use. My brushes have seen regular service over the last six months and still look and perform as well as they did when I first bought them. Indeed this was one of my primary reasons for investing in Series 7's as I was fed up of cheaper sable brushes becoming useless after only a few months.
Its worth mentioning at this point that there are different types of Sable available and that quality varies enormously from one type to another. Kolinsky Sable refers specifically to the winter tail hair of the male red sable. This is the best quality hair for brushes and is used in Series 7 Brushes; Red Sable is usually second grade Kolinsky sable or weasel hair; Black Sable is actually hair from the polecat. It has similar properties to red sable but is often limited to use with oil colours because it is more coarse than red sable; Brown Sable is hair from other parts of the animal other than the tail and is often dyed to give it a uniform colour. This hair is often used in lower quality bushes; Some brushes are just labeled Sable and these may contain any of the above hair types. Squirrel hair is also sometimes labeled this way; Finally we have Sabeline which is an imitation made from ox hair and dyed to look like real Sable.
With all my brushes I use Masters Brush Cleaner to help clean and preserve the hairs. However there are a few simple rules you should observe, whatever brushes you use, to extend their life.
- When painting work the brush in the direction of the hair not against it.
- Rinse brushes thoroughly in clean water between colours to stop paint solidifying in the base of the hairs.
- Clean thoroughly with a brush soap (or PH neutral hand soap) at the end of every painting session.
- Never leave brushes sitting in water. It swells the wooden handle and unseats the hairs.
- Let brushes dry horizontally so water does not seep down into the handle.
- Once dry protect the tip with the plastic cover usually provided.
- Never store in an airtight box, this can cause mold which will damage the hairs.
I have been so impressed with my new brushes that I decided to make a stand to hold them. The end result looks a little like a Samurai Sword stand. I have even been known to talk to my brushes muttering words like "precious" and "my pretty".
Saturday, 23 May 2009
The Hunt for Gollum
To quote YouTube... "An unofficial and free 39 minute Lord of the Rings fan film, made for less than $5,000 by Independent Online Cinema. Based on parts of The Lord of the Rings, it tells of when Aragorn tracked down Gollum between The Hobbit & The Fellowship of the Ring. "
The dice favored us
This time it was Lizardmen that blocked our path. Our mission (to recover an ancient artifact from the ruins of this underground Palace) looked like it would be halted only yards from our ultimate destination. An entire Lizardman garrison stood in our way.
We should have negotiated. We didn't.
The GM looked slightly panicked but let events play themselves out... And then we started kicking butt. The adventurer companions (two Dragonborn brothers, two Halfling brothers and a lone Eladrin Swordmage) worked together in a masterful display of martial prowess. The Dragonborn brothers blocked the doorway and held back the overwhelming Lizardman garrison while the Eladrin used his Lightning Lure ability to pull individuals behind the lines where the Halflings dispatched them. Unable to use their superior numbers against us the Lizardmen found themselves bottled up and picked off one by one.
Slowly it dawned on our GM that we might actually win this encounter (a level 10 encounter and we are a level three party!) and his normal demonic grin slipped from his face. This is an unusual experience for us players, it was like entering the twilight zone.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Game Night means more dead Kobolds
The new Star Trek movie
Thursday, 21 May 2009
And now for something completely different
The Splatter Gun Effect
- Well the blog keeps me busy most days, and this is something I have enjoyed a great deal since its inception back in January. My main aim is still to share and improve my miniatures painting but the blog has also provided a forum for me to talk about my wider hobby interests and this seems to have gone down well with my readers (I always welcome feedback folks).
- I'm also continuing to develop my Campaign World (gotta tell you about this sometime) for D&D. When I started this project over four years ago I produced a 'sourcebook' for my players and now I have enough material for a revision... a 2nd edition non-the-less.
- In addition I am developing and writing a third campaign for my players. I'm the sort of GM that thrives on detailed backstories, real world politics and a setting that maintains internal consistency across the whole campaign arc. And this makes writing the campaign both enormous fun and very hard work.
- To support the campaign I have a growing list of miniatures that need painting and Dungeon Floorplans that need putting together.
- And if this lot were not enough I am also considering running a Basic D&D game and a Call-of-Cthulhu game for my gaming group... with accompanying Miniatures and Floortiles of course.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Dungeon Floor Tiles
- Skeleton Key Games sell a superb range of e-Adventure Tiles.
- RPG Now sell all the Skeleton Key Games tile sets and sets by other companies as PDF downloads.
- Crooked Staff Productions have a small collection of Dungeon Tiles available on the EN World site. These include basic dungeon sections, sewers and dungeon debris items.
- The Dungeoneering.Net website has a nice selection of tiles for download.
- Greywolfs Warhammer Quest Page also has a small selection of good quality Game Tiles available for download.
- The Ye Olde Inn website has a nice selection of tiles for HeroQuest that can be pressed into service for D&D games.
This is a very small sample of the sites I have found and used to collect Dungeon Floorplans and Adventure Tiles. Now, when I design a campaign encounter, its an easy job to either find or cut-and-paste tiles to fit my needs. I still use the dry-wipe mats on occasion (for random encounters) but where possible I try to use Floor Tiles to enhance the look of preplanned encounters. After all, why bother painting a great model for a particular scene and then not present it in the best setting possible?In addition to published Dungeon Floorplans I have even resorted to blowing up maps from the likes of Dragon or Dungeon magazine. This is the Castle of Overlook which I adaped as a side encounter in my recent campaign. I scanned the map from Dungeon magazine then 'cut' it into sections. I then blew up the sections so each square was 1 inch and then stuck it all together. Hey presto, a castle floorplan.
I usually keep a stock of printed plans ready so whether I need to make a dungeon, a tavern or the deck of a ship, I can do so with the minimum of time and effort. And I think that little extra effort goes a long way to making an exciting encounter a memorable one as well.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
My buddy the Lizardman
Monday, 18 May 2009
Sidetracked by Dexter
New Project - Gunman
I'm still at the starting stages, having basecoated and begun the highlighting process. I'm experimenting with a more 'painterly' style this time (i.e. slapping-it-on-while-wearing-a-béret) but I'm not sure it's turning out how I want.
I'll post more pictures as I progress with this model.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Museum of Childhood
The Museum of Childhood is open Monday-Sunday from 10:00 to 17:45 and is just five minutes walk from Bethnal Green Tube Station. And the best bit... admission is absolutely FREE.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Strange Dice
I bought a set some years ago at Dragonmeet and try as I might I can't bring myself to use them in a real game. I'm half afraid my fellow gamers will just laugh at me and I know that the darn things aren't very practical... unless you like squinting with your eyes and muttering "what number is that?... can I roll that again?". They are even less practical than those miniature dice sets you can buy. You know the ones that are slightly larger than a grain of sand.
Give me proper sized dice. Preferably made of high grade steel. You get a much better trajectory from metal dice and they keep the GM on his toes.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Boldly going backwards
I'm even contemplating running a one off game using these rules, maybe recreating the Dagenham Dungeon Delvers first ever game. Come to think of it I still have some of the miniatures used in that game including an unpainted Lizardman that played a significant part in that first campaign. I keep putting off painting that miniature because I want to get it right... Hmmmm... I feel a project coming on!
Thursday, 14 May 2009
The Sourcebook Treadmill
Of course it’s not necessary for players to buy the supplements or additional rulebooks. But the current incarnation of D&D as published by WotC does encourage (some might suggest, forces) players to use material outside the core rulebooks. A prime example is the exclusion of classes like the Barbarian from the PHB and its ‘revival’ in the PHB 2. Obviously this is all part of the sales strategy of the company, and isn’t anything new in this industry. But the key question for me is; does this make the game any better?
I canvassed the opinion of one of some of my friends and here’s a selection of their comments:
“The main advantage with having a variety of supplements is that it gives the consumers choice. If you want to base your game around a Samurai theme there will be a supplement to suit you. Want a game based around an evil diabolist and the hellish hoards he unleashes somewhere there will be a book with all the rules, rituals and monsters you need. If a player wants to roll up a hobgoblin PC, or specialist mage whose spells focus on the manipulation of time, then eventually you will find a supplement that makes this possible. And that's a good thing.”
“And… there is the power creep issue. All new PC classes and races should be balanced with those in the original core rulebooks. But of course we all know that often doesn't happen. New classes and races are often faster, sleeker, hit harder, bounce back quicker or just plain sexier than that already on offer… often new classes/races do just seem to be more powerful across the board, and I think you would have more success in teaching your player to grow wings and fly than in convincing him to reduce his PC's power [by not using the latest sourcebook].”
Web publishing and the growth in sales of PDF versions of books and supplements is changing the way gamers collect new material. Many will still buy a physical copy of the core rulebooks but there are also plenty of customers who save a lot of money by purchasing supplements in electronic form. However earlier this year WotC withdrew all PDF versions of their books from sale (allegedly due to copyright issues) making this option much more difficult. So where does this leave existing players on a limited budget? Or maybe it’s more important to ask; Do new young players have the disposable income required to buy all the rulebooks they ‘need’?
“On balance I'd say it [the proliferation of D20 material] is a good thing. It allows innovation and new ideas/concepts to come from the entire RPG community rather than one WotC department. It also allows companies to cater for a niche in the gaming market that is too small for a company the size of WotC to focus on. It increases the consumer’s choices. But I do think it relies on a strong DM prepared to police what is and isn't allowed in his game and ban supplements, classes, races, weapons etc that he feels are overpowered or that don't fit. And of course, players prepared to accept the DM's choices without arguments.”
But after all this discussion about choice, availability and cost I’m left with one more question. Does the proliferation of official and 3rd party sourcebooks enhance the game experience? I think many younger D&D players would say “yes”, but an equally large number of older players might say “no”, or at best “Maybe”. I know that I personally find myself hankering after those simpler days when all that was needed for an adventure was one rulebook, paper, a pencil, some dice, friends, a little imagination and some time.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Barbarian Hordes
"Blessed are the Geek, for they will inherit the earth"
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Nose to the Grindstone
Sunday, 10 May 2009
The Grace Spitfire
I also tried to take some film but my camera isn't best suited to capturing fast moving aircraft. I made numerous attempts and not once was I was able to keep the Spitfire in the frame! Next time I'm taking a proper video camera.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Barbarian's Rage
Friday, 8 May 2009
Hot Lead - Miniature Painting Tutorial DVD
- Disc One - This DVD starts by looking at the world of Miniature Painting before heading into the technical stuff. Subjects covered include; Preparing miniatures; Basing; Tools, Basecoating; Washing, Drybrushing & Outlining; Skin and Faces; Metallics; and Finishing.
- Disc Two - This DVD covers the following areas; Advanced Painting; Working with Colours and Paints; Blending Technique; Layering Technique; Fixing Flaws; and The Human Form.
- Disc Three - This DVD focuses on; Non-Metallic Metallics; Painting Gems; and Advanced Basing.
Throughout the DVDs Laszlo provides a clear and informative narration which makes this easy to watch and makes you feel like your getting a one-to-one tutorial. I also liked the use of close up video of the techniques being demonstrated. These are all from the the painters perspective so you can see every brush stroke as you would if you were painting the miniature yourself. Scattered throughout the DVD are some excellent tips and suggestions for making life easier or improving your technique. I also liked the fact that Laszlo's style of teaching feels more like someone giving you advice rather than teaching you hard and fast rules. You can pick and choose what techniques suite you and your level of skill. However you are also always encouraged to experiment, practice and push beyond your comfort zone.
I'd thoroughly recommend this Tutorial DVD to any painter, beginner or expert alike. The $40 plus shipping is money very well spent in my humble opinion.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Bovington Tank Museum - 1977
I'm the serious looking kid in shorts and a red tracksuit top standing in front of the turret. Aside from the shock of seeing myself with hair, the first thing that leaps out is the fact that we were allowed to climb on the exhibits back then. This definitely isn't allowed now. Aside from the need to preserve the exhibits from damage (yes, I'm aware they are Tanks, but still...) I'm pretty sure Health and Safety would have a fit if they saw this happening now. There are so many kids on this vehicle I'm not even sure what it is... anyone have a clue? [a British "Tortoise" Assault Tank]
This looks like a Mk IV Tank but I can't be sure [Mk VIII, the so called "Liberty" or "International" Tank, this as an Anglo-Americal Project]. Again smothered in kids, myself included.
OK a Tank I recognise, the Sherman.... with me in top of the turret.
Another WWI British tank although I'm not sure which version this is [possibly a Mk IV].
These pictures from 1977 show just how much things have changed. Most of the vehicles at Bovington are now kept inside purpose built buildings to aid their preservation. Bare in mind that some of their exhibits are over 90 years old. Clearly climbing on the vehicles is also a thing of the past, for lots of reasons. And these days my legs rarely get seen in public.