There is quite an extensive collection of Star Wars toys and memorabilia on display including several full sized outfits such Dark Vader and this Storm Trooper.

Having stumbled into a fight with a sizable groups of arcs under the command of a dark elf we tried to retreat. However we then found ourselves outflanked with orc reinforcements arriving to block our escape route. At this point negotiation would have been a good idea... so instead we attacked!
It might be timne to consider what we want for our our next PC's.
"Runc leaped forward, and began to tug wildly at the creature covering Karisima but as they fought that one the other three Darkmantles launched themselves up from the floor.... As the party fought them and cut into their flesh so the blood splashed about – burning acidic, it did as much damage as the beasts themselves.... Eventually three of the creatures were killed, leaving the last once covering Asgar.
Already the former farmhand tuned ranger had dropped to his knees, his air having been cut off by the constricting creature about his head. It was causing him to blackout. In a concerted effort the group directed their attack, and finally cut the creature from Asgar’s head. But the blood from the creature covered the already unconscious man."
"Dungeons and Dragons is a tragic and tangled subject. It is essentially a
feeding program for occultism and witchcraft." (Source:
"If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively."The study "When Zombies Attack! : Mathematical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection" was carried out by students at the University of Ottawa. Personally I'm quite happy that research grants are being spent like this. So when the inevitable Zombie Plague hits we will be fully prepared to respond to the new threat. I'm guessing that a dose of Tamiflu won't be much help though...
Been there. Done them all. Rolled a new PC!
For me the biggest advantage of a prepared list like this is consistency. I can craft some simple characters that fit with their location and the message I want to convey. This sort of NPC is easy to prepare, quick to develop and helps give a location a sense of 'realness'.
The second video is a British 'Scorpion' Lt Tank.
I'll post the rest of my pictures when I have finished processing them.
I'm currently reading about the creation of the Panzer regiments and the authors (Matthew Cooper & James Lucas) argue that the early Panzer regiments were under resourced, poorly developed and that the vehicles themselves were not all that superior to the British & French tanks. This didn't matter at the beginning of the war when the Germans caught pretty much everyone with their pants down, but later in the war this proved a crippling deficit. The new generation of heavy tanks (the Panthers and the Tigers) came along too late and in too limited quantities to turn the tide against the allies. Meanwhile money and effort was being squandered on projects like the V1 & V2.
I recently listened to a radio article (on Radio 4) about a new 'history' of WW2 in which the author insisted that the war was winnable for the Germans but for one essential factor: Hitler. The ultimate weakness of the National Socialist state of the 30's & 40's was its despotic leader who regularly ignored the advice of experts and for whom political fanaticism had replaced pragmatism. This was what ultimately proved the undoing of the Third Reich.
For me the V1 and of course the V2 illustrate this perfectly. While I can marvel at the technological achievement one cannot help but think what would have been the consequence of redirecting all that effort and science into developing existing weapons. Had such material effort not been wasted on these and countless other projects - pursuing some deluded vision of Aryan superiority - what would have been the consequences for history?