Monday, 17 October 2011

SELWG 2011: Pictures

Yesterday I went to the SELWG show at Crystal Palace. As always I came home with a bag full of Loot and a camera full of pictures. I've worked through these in record time (for me at least) and here they are:

I met up with fellow members of Posties Rejects including The Angry Lurker, One Lover Ray and of course Postie himself. It was only a year ago, at the 2010 SELWG show that I met up with them for the first time and was invited to join their select company of wargamers. The last year has been a blast guys, thanks for bringing me in from the cold!

There was a distinctly ACW feel about this years show with no less than four display games depicting the period. However the standard of the other games on show was very high as well so all round it was an enjoyable visual treat. SELWG remains one of the highlights of my gaming calender and an event I always look forward to attending.


  1. Great pictures.
    Must be blast to visit that show.

  2. No probs about joining the gang, I think I can speak for all the lads, we're glad you enjoy yourself at our games in deepest darkest Kent. Thanks for the batteries at the show and most excellent photo's too!!!

  3. Great photos. Those of us on the other side of the world appreciate them. Thanks Lee.

  4. I just got done looking at Rays photo's and I thought he had a lot. The choppers in Sierra Leone are fantastic. I like the Lord of The Rings, but if I was playing, I'd rather play a real battle from history. Angry still hasn't posted. Tell him to hurry it up, I have work to do :)

  5. One Lover Ray...excellent title, good to have you with us BigLee but sort out the bag.

  6. PS Lee I just noticed something, The title. Did you go back in time? SELWG 2001: Pictures :-p

  7. Hein...Oops never noticed that. Ok changed it now! If I had a time machine I can think of more profitable uses than revisiting old wargame shows (no matter how much fun they were).

  8. Excellent photos and style.

  9. Hi (Big) Lee

    Thanks for the photo report. I have really enjoyed it.


  10. Great pics- glad you had a fun day out with the lads!

  11. Great set of photos. I think the Crush the Kaiser is my favorite.

  12. Great photos and I particularly like the use of picasa for the slide show. If I ever have a ton of photos to share I'll be sure to use that idea.

  13. I noticed the ACW vibe as well. Actually there were 6 ACW displays, and a lack of invention compared to prior years Dr Who/'s, Day of the Triffids or giant steampunk zeppelin games.

    Still as live in Bromley cant complain about best local show every year :_



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