Monday 19 August 2013

The Holiday Continues - Rochester

I'm a week into my two week vacation and I'm utterly knackered. Last week I posted a few pictured from our short break in Herne Bay but that was just the opening salvo of my holiday. For the rest of my two weeks off we are going out on day trips but despite being based from home I've not had any time (or spare energy) to fit in any painting or gaming so far. Fortunately there is a Rejects game scheduled for next week and I'm looking forward to that as at the moment it looks like this will be my only chance to play during my break. 

Immediately after returning from our short break it was mine and my wife's wedding Anniversary. We decided to spend some of it in Rochester doing a little book shopping and taking it a little easier after the previous few hectic days. The only problem is we clearly have forgotten how to take it easy because as well as a lot of shopping I also took my daughter into Rochester Castle and climbed the keep with her. It's been a few years since I last did this, and I'm a few stone heavier than then, but I swear they must have added a few floors because it nearly killed me climbing to the top! 

Games and Models of Rochester is a great little shop absolutely packed with stock. Well worth a visit if you are in town. I popped in and picked up a few items and had a nice chat with the owner about the state  of the hobby, how the shop was doing since it opened and about the fate of ModelZone and how it would impact the hobby. 
I took my youngest daughter up the Keep of Rochester Castle. Here in 1215 rebel Barons resisted King John and despite major damage during the siege the Keep remains the tallest in England. Inside the Keep is this model showing how the castle would have looked in its heyday. 
The keep stands 113 feet high and climbing it isn't for the faint of heart, but if you make it to the top the view of Rochester Cathedral and the town is excellent.
Also visible from the castle battlements is the former Russian Hunter Killer class sub "Black Widow". Built in 1967 it saw service until 1994 and was armed with 22 Torpedo's including 2 with low yield nuclear warheads. The current owners hope to reopen it as a museum (see their website here).
I came home with a couple books and some sore feet but overall it was a nice day and a welcome change of pace before visiting the British Museum the following day (pictures of that trip tomorrow). 


  1. Rochester is a little gem and that submarine always throws me. I was lucky enough to sail past it and got a really good look.

  2. Always good to see the well known through another's eyes. I really could have enjoyed a few more Pictures of the castle, and the castle model in particular. But still good to see one of my old haunts.

  3. Rochester Games and Models is a little gem of a shop glad you found it the owners are a superb couple very knowledgeable and as you say up for a chat about the hobby. The stock they pack into the shop is impressive. How have I missed the Russian sub! I score 0 on my observation skills! I think it used to reside in Folkestone Harbour many years ago as a visitor attraction for about 1 year.

  4. Vacation?????? Don't you mean holiday?

  5. Lovely photos, brings back good memories so my own trips there. If you follow the river you can also see HMS Cavalier (WWII destroyer), HMS Gannet (Victorian sloop) and HMS Ocelot (Cold war submarine) in Chatham dockyard.


  6. Popped in that shop myself whilst on my hols - The young lady was uber-helpful and I spent too much...

  7. Nice posting Lee. I enjoyed reading about your adventures :)

  8. Great post Lee! And a wonderful, historical town! Enjoy the rest of the well deserved holiday!

  9. Great model castle picture! I had a secretary from Rochester but she left to set up a doll's house shop there. I used to have to go to the Lloyd's of London office in Chatham sometimes and could see the castle from there. I think I visited that submarine when it was moored near the Cutty Sark years ago. Even my wife found it fascinating...


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