Sunday, 24 March 2019

Painting Challenge IX - Body of Work

The Challenge is over and I have that empty feeling that follows the hectic activity of the last three months. There is a void in my life and the only thing that will fill it is to start planning for Challenge Ten! But first I need to cap off this year's festival of painting with a 'Body of Work' photo. Its been mixed bag from me this year, with additions to several existing armies rather than starting a new project. My original target of 600 points was smashed fairly early and everything on my original to-do list has been completed.

Slightly amazed at how much I have painted!
So, I think a breakdown is required although I am aware that I'm probably the only one that will be interested in this. I racked up a total score of 845 Points and reached 31st place. Neither of these figures is a personal best, but considering I was also the Tuesday Minion, I'm pretty happy with that tally. I even managed to take a week off for a family holiday in the middle of the Challenge (as I keep reminding the wife whenever she rolls her eyes at my latest project).

Zulu War    12.1% (102 Points)
Fantasy      18.6% (157 Points)
Punic War  27.9% (236 Points)
WWI         7.3%  (62 Points)
WWII        34.1% (288 Points)

6mm          40.0%  (338 Points)
15mm        38%  (321 Points)
28mm        17.6%  (149 Ppoints)
40mm        4.4%  (37 Points)

Stats aside, and on a personal level, this has been the best Challenge I have taken part in. I have managed to get a lot of lead painted - far more than I would 'alone' - and have added to several existing armies in my collection. There is always more that can be done so don't be surprised if more AZW units turn up in Challenge Ten.

Aside from the obvious joy of getting stuff painted, I have also been able to participate (in a small way) to the competition itself and that has been enormous fun. Being a minion was both a rare privilege and great responsibility and it has given me a whole new perspective on a competition I thought I knew well. I've said it before but I'd like to thank all of the Tuesday Terrors for being such a great team and for letting me adjudicate their incredible entries. And while I'm in 'Oscars' mode, I'd also like to thank Curt, the Great Snow Lord himself, for running this madness every year. It is the highlight of my hobby year and the other nine months are a pale shadow by comparison. 


  1. I hope my life will be sorted enough for me to take part next time (later this year, finishing next year). I like what I see and I am sure I shall see more.

    1. The Challenge is open to all sorts and all targets. I'd say whatever you can achieve, big or small, its the taking part that counts. I have found the whole process a real spur to my productivity. That little bit of pressure gets me off my metaphorical backside and away from the distractions of the TV.

  2. Great output for the contest, Lee!

  3. Nice one Lee. Being a minion seriously hindered my painting time last year. But you seem have taken it in your stride. Very well done ol' chap!

  4. Looks like you have been pretty busy. Nine more months should give you plenty of prep time for the next round.

  5. A great achievement! You have a nice painting station setup there. I hope you’ve changed the water a few times over the three months ;-)

  6. That’s a great amount of painting done! You should feel proud of the accomplishment. I shutter to think how much 1st place was. 😀


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