Thursday, 27 April 2023

Lord Grey and Sir William Catesby - Yorkist infantry at Bosworth 1485

When the Analogue Hobbies Challenge came to an end in mid-March I knew my painting mojo would drop off a cliff. I had a load of little administrative-type projects that had backed up and I had a few books that 'needed' to be read after the frantic effort of painting for three months. However, I also knew I was close to completing my Order of Battle for Bosworth - even though I added a few more units at the last minute. So I have been trying to get some painting done, despite all the distractions that inevitably compete for time. All of which is the long-winded way of saying, I have completed some new Yorkist companies for my Bosworth project! 

First, we have the Retinue/Billmen and Archers of Sir William Catesby of Ashby St Legers. Catesby was a councilor to Richard III and Chancellor of the Exchequer. He was captured at the Battle of Bosworth and subsequently executed at Leicester three days later. This wasn't only about punishing Richard's supporters because Henry Tudor, now Henry VII, also confiscated Catesby's estates, including Ashby St Ledgers (although this was later restored to Sir William's eldest son George). Interestingly a descendent of the family, Robert Catesby, was central to the Gunpowder Plot some 120 years later.

Next, we have Sir Henry Grey, 7th Lord Grey of Codnor with his Retinue/Billmen and Archers. Sir Henry was initially a Lancastrian but switched allegiance to Edward IV. He maintained his loyalty under Richard III and even managed to retain royal favor with the new king Henry VII. Sir Henry is best known as Lord Deputy of Ireland, a role in which he was a notable failure. The most interesting fact I have found with regard to Grey is that he was keenly interested in alchemy, and obtained a licence from the King for the transmutation of metals, on the condition that he must inform the Crown if he succeeded in producing gold. Needless to say, he failed in that endeavor too. 

I have also been working on some little side projects, namely buildings for this period. I have decided to represent towns, villages, and churches in 2mm so they are in keeping with the ground scale I have in mind. (A typical infantry base has 12 figures on it representing about 150 men, so a double base company is about 300 infantry.)  If I used 6mm scale buildings a village would be just one or two houses and I wanted a village to look like a village with multiple buildings, hence my decision to use 2mm models. I have used some medieval buildings from Brigade Models but I also bought a different range from Irregular. Crucially I wanted a windmill to represent Dadlington Windmill which played a part in the retreat and rout of the Yorkist forces following their defeat. 

I'm waiting for my final order from Baccuss 6mm (the fourth time I have sent a 'final' order 😆) which will hopefully mean I have all the figures I need to complete Northumberland's command. Historically they didn't engage with the enemy at Bosworth, but I still need these troops painted...just in case history gets changed on the tabletop. 

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Review of Salute 2023

It's the morning after Salute 2023 and time for a review of the show. Needless to say, I think it went very well indeed. I had a brilliant time and spent all day meeting friends and chatting with subscribers to this channel. Thank you to everyone who came and said hello.

Salute 2023: A pictorial review of the games

Salute is back and 50 is the new Sexy! After a break last year, the Salute Wargames Show is back with a bang. Over 5000 visitors streamed through its doors to enjoy a huge variety of amazing games and dozens of top-quality traders. As usual, I shot far too many pictures, but here is a selection of my favorites to give you a flavor of this amazing show.

I'm also putting out a review of the show where I discuss my impressions of the day. That should go live midday today so if you get time watch that as well for the full picture of a great show. 

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Salute 2023 Blogger (& Vlogger) Meet-up

I'm going to be at Salute 50 on Saturday and, as usual, I will be loitering near the center of the hall at about 1pm for the 'traditional' Blogger meet-up. I thought I would widen the parameters a little this year to include those of you who also have a a YouTube Channel. Salute is a busy show with thousands of visitors, so randomly bumping into people you know or follow online isn't a very efficient way to meet up, hence the time and the map below!

Normally people gather for half an hour to say hello, swap stories and brag about their show bargains! So if you get time between eagerly spending money or playing in the many participation games, pop along to the area indicated on the map at about 1pm for a quick chat. 

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Fistful of Dice Mechanics

Are you a fistful of dice type wargamer or do you prefer single-opposed dice rolls for determining the outcome of a melee? In some forums, this subject seems to divide the opinion of wargamers and the games they choose to play. I on the other hand don't care what dice mechanic is used, so long as it works, is simple to understand, and is easy to remember.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Where do you buy your books?

Where do you buy your books from? At least a third of my collection was picked up from 2nd hand or charity bookshops. This is a great way to find out of print books and discover new and tempting subjects for wargaming.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Storage or Display

Do you display your painted armies, or do you store them away? I respond to another subscriber question this week and discuss some of the options open to wargamers after they have painted their miniatures. I have a range of storage options available in the Operations Room, from cheap modular plastic storage units to expensive custom metal cabinets. However, there is always a cheaper option and I also have units that I got for free, and can often be found very cheaply on auction sites like eBay. 

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Battle of Le Truc 1569 - French Wars of Religion Battle Report

Over the weekend some of the Rejects gathered in the Shed-o-War for a game set during the French Wars of Religion. Richard has been creating what I think is a cracking set of rules for playing this period, specifically designed for his 2mm collection of figures. I was going to write a full battle report but both Richard and Ray have beaten me to it and I don't think there is much to be gained by repeating the OOB's and background to the game. Check out their excellent posts on the game at my wargaming habit and Don't Throw a 1

I did however want to share my pictures from this very enjoyable and exciting game. I may have been on the losing side, but the game was so enjoyable I didn't mind being defeated.

These Pike and Shot units look so good in 2mm. 

After a short deployment phase the game begins

The Huguenot line facing toward the Catholic army

Manouver was difficult but not impossible with these rules. They key was timing it right. Next game we will all have a better idea of how to move more effectively.

The lines start to get close together.

However on the flank things aren't go to plan for either side (but its the Huguenot army that comes off worse)

Huguenot reinforcement begins to arrive but may be a little too late to change the outcome. 

The final positions in what was a very enjoyable and challenging game. 

I had wanted to get this post out earlier in the week but, well, things got away from me! It's been a very busy week at work and the next few look to be similar. Some careful planning will be needed if I am going to drag my schedule back into some semblance of order.