Saturday, 13 April 2024

SALUTE 51: Full Photo Report

SALUTE 51 was another fantastic expo for the wargaming hobby in all its forms. Games big and small, from fantasy to historical and Sci-Fi were on display at the 2024 show. Here is a quick photo report of the games from the premier wargames event in the UK.

Salute 2024, or Salute 51, takes place in the Excel exhibition venue in London Docklands, a fifteen-minute drive from my home. I attended with a camera in hand as always and shot hundreds of pictures. This is a huge event, and getting around the nearly 100 games and several hundred traders in just seven hours is a challenge.


  1. The one time I went I was overwhelmed by it all and did not enjoy it as much as I expected. I should probably give it another go sometime. Good work on all the photos.

    1. It can be overwhelming, it is so huge. I helps if you go with a clear shopping list and a plan.

  2. Great to meet you in person Lee. And the legendary Postie Himself! I need to have a proper sit down to go through all your photos. All the best.

    1. Indeed it was good to meet you too. I took over 500 pictures in the end. Not all made it into the video...but that just means more for later!

  3. Another great day out, seeing old friends and some really good games.

    1. There was a really eclectic mix of games this year.

  4. Thanks Lee for showing me some games I missed yesterday in the frantic urge to shop. Salute seemed very busy: even at 4pm it was not the empty wasteland that shows sometimes become.

    1. I left a little before that, but yes it didn't seem to be tailing off at all. There's definitely more to see than can be done in a day.

  5. Fab photo's Lee, I'm amazed you got this mega post out the same day as the show!! I did sod all when I got home, apart from fall asleep trying to stay awake for Match of the Day!

    1. And you mocked the map with my route drawn on it 🤣. Seriously though, knowing in advance the order in which I was going to visit the tables meant my notes were already in the same order. It made labeling the pictures on the video much much easier. I'd also prepared the video Thumbnail and organised the music all ahead of time. This is the way.

  6. Wow what an event! Great reel Big L! I even spotted Glen from Gaslands !

    1. It was a great show with some amazing games being demonstrated.


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