Tuesday, 16 July 2024

The Battle of Bosworth 1485 - A 6mm, Test of Resolve, Quick Strike Battle Report

On Saturday I finally got my Wars of the Roses / Bosworth game on the table in the shed-o-war for the Rejects. It's been a long time coming, but it went well, with just a couple of issues I will discuss later in the week. Before the game I gave the players a briefing of the rules, but also an outline of the scenario and why I had chosen to represent the battle the way I had.

The location of the Battle of Bosworth has been debated and plotted by antiquarians and historians many times in the 539 years since the battle took place. For several hundred years it was linked to Ambion Hill where Richard probably camped the night before the battle. This seems logical because it is one of the highest points in a semi-circular range of hills, with good visibility for miles around. However, few artefacts had been definitively found to tie the battle to this location, and core samples of the surrounding terrain revealed no evidence of the now-famous marsh in which Richard lost his life.

Between August 2005 and August 2009, the Battlefields Trust undertook a major new study of Bosworth battlefield, on behalf of Leicestershire County Council. Combined with new analysis of documentary sources, this analysis shifted the location of the battle away from its traditional site to a position two miles southwest, on either side of Fen Lane. A wealth of artefacts was uncovered, including the single largest collection of medieval cannon balls ever found, numerous sword hilts, buckles, spurs, horse tackle and the by-now famous Boar Badge which would have been worn by one of the king's closest entourage. All of these have definitively identified the site of the engagement and indicated the orientation of the battles, the location of the guns and even the infamous marsh. This game is based on this most recent interpretation of the evidence.

UPDATE: The Battle Reports of Richard and Ray have more excellent pictures of the game:


  1. Excellent game, well executed Lee.

  2. Superb looking game, Lee! Nice video too!

    1. Thank you. It went a lot smoother than I had feared (based on the last time I ran a game for the Rejects!)

  3. A great looking game and fitting culmination to all your work building up this collection, Lee. The advantages of these smaller figures are obvious, too - great job!

    1. Thanks. It had to be 6mm to get that many flags on the table!

  4. Great game. Finely produced and superbly executed.

    1. Thank you. Sorry you didn't get much of a game. I'm working on another game (a what-if set a few days earlier) so you'll get a second crack of the whip.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. Great batrep btw. I'm going to update this post with links to Richards and your battle reports.

  6. A very fine game Lee and proud moment for you to show off your lovely collection!



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