Monday, 30 December 2024

Russian Line Grenadiers 1812

The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge started a little over a week ago and I completed my first EVER unit of 28mm Napoleonics. These are part of a joint project with Ray and we are doing The Retreat from Moscow in 1812.  These are 1812 Russian Grenadiers, but they are wearing slightly out-of-date equipment. They still wear the 1808 pattern ‘stovepipe’ Shako with its enormous plume. From February 1811 regiments started being equipped with the new ‘Kiwer’ style shako with a much thinner Plume. Still, many had not received these before the French invasion in 1812 and some regiments didn’t fully change to the new regulation uniform until 1814. 


  1. Nice work, Lee! With greatcoats, you will be whipping through this project in no time.

  2. Very nice work on them, they are rather good and look cracking in the older style uniforms.

  3. Wow Lee, very good for your first time of painting 28mm mate.

  4. Super working unit Lee, especially for first 28mm unit. Greatcoats certainly give quick wins.

  5. They look really good. The faces on the soldiers look suitably chilled through. Lovely units.


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