Wednesday, 11 December 2024

The Secret Project Revealed!

Several months ago, I was planning to paint three armies for 1066. I'd purchased all the miniatures, started working on the army lists and basing options, and found a set of rules that I was excited to try. Then I had a call from Ray. "Fancy working on a collaborative project?" he asked. "What about the 1812 Retreat from Moscow?". Before the phone call had finished, I had already made my first online purchase. 

This is a period that I have wanted to do for a long time, but the idea of taking on the whole thing single-handed was daunting. I've never painted any Napoleonic figures before, and aside from fantasy figures for D&D or Frostgrave, I rarely paint anything in 28mm. So from the beginning, this was going to be a huge but exciting challenge. And of course, the best forum for a challenge of this nature is the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge which starts in a little under two weeks. 

I have taken on painting the Russians for this project, and so far I have purchased a mixture of North Star figures (from their Muskets & Tomahawks range) and of course from Perry Miniatures. Both Ray and I want to use Sharp Practice II for this project so unit sizes are small (8 figures per unit in most cases). That suits me just fine because I am moving outside my comfort zone where I normally paint 6mm or 15mm figures. 

Although we have not yet been able to get started on these armies, we have been able to get a lot of prep done before the Painting Challenge starts on the 21st of December. However, a significant portion of my army is currently in the hands of my wife, who is giving me the gift of Cossacks and Russian artillery this Christmas. 

And what has happened to my 1066 project? Well, the tree armies are mounted on sticks ready to be primed, but will now be completed after the Retreat from Moscow. I will complete them in time, but I can feel the chill wind of the Russian Steppe calling to me. I have to say, buying 28mm in large quantities for the first time in over thirty years has been quite a shock to the wallet! Three 6mm armies for 1066 have cost half what I have already spent on this new project, and there are still a couple of extra units like the Opolchenie Militia and Hussars that I haven't purchased yet. 

Hopefully, I can get the first figures for this completed quickly (I have some time off over Christmas, so I can get more painting time!) and of course, I will post updates here and on the Channel as the project comes together. 


  1. Well Lee, you and Ray have jumped into the deep end on your new project. I wish you and Ray all the very best with this. One point, who is going to be doing the scenery?

    1. I think we're going to share it between us, but one thing at a time... I need to get paint on figures first!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yes... but Ray is quick (that's what Emma says)

  3. Amazing! Looking forward to seeing it, and hope you are feeling better.

    1. I am feeling like myself again...cross fingers!

  4. Good luck. I'm sure it will look brill.

  5. Good luck - there's nothing better hobby wise, than a collaborative project with your mate!

  6. Fantastic mate, looking forward to seeing its progress over the challenge.


    1. Most of it is primed and ready, I just need to get started once the Challenge begins

  7. This will be great watching you and Ray go at it as I can hear the banter already!


    1. Most of it will be me swearing and him complaining all my troops have greatcoats

  8. Flags at the ready....on your marks.....get set.....


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