So a few weeks ago I painted a 12pdr Gun Team and I mentioned that I also had a 6pdr gun and crew to paint. But you may recall that I had to ‘borrow’ a crewman from the 6pdr team because Sharp Practice has five-man crew for guns but the packs only come with four figures. Well, now that it was time to paint the 6pdr I was two figures down, so I bought a couple of artillery officers from Front Rank to fill the gaps.
Actually what I plan to do is swap back the ‘borrowed figure’ from the 12pdr crew and give each set one of the officers (shown below)
As with the earlier gun, this was fun to paint, and I look forward to doing more artillery at a later date. During Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812, the Russian army had a substantial artillery force, with estimates ranging from over 600 guns present at Borodino alone. Some sources indicate the Russians had over 2,000 artillery pieces available during the campaign compared to the French, who had approximately 1400 artillery pieces available.
I also had time to do a wagon, this one being a 3D print from Iron Gate Scenery. The Barrels are from Debris of War and the Horse is by Tiger Miniatures.
Lovely work on all these Lee! The Russians have always liked a lot of artillery!